Partnerships: Museums and Heritage

SAMA has a good relationship with the following organisations:


Dedicated to providing support to museum professionals locally in integrating with the ICOM network and its resources, as well as addressing common issues in museum practice in South Africa.


ICOMOS is a non-governmental international organisation dedicated to the conservation of the world’s monuments and sites.


The Commonwealth Association of Museums (CAM) is an international NGO based in Canada and dedicated to supporting museums and museum workers throughout the 53 countries of the Commonwealth.


The South African Heritage Resources Agency (SAHRA) is an agency of the Department of Sport, Arts and Culture tasked with an overall legislative mandate to identify, assess, manage, protect, and promote heritage resources in South Africa.


The Visitor Interpretation and Studies group of South Africa (VISSA) is a group of practitioners involved in interpretation and visitor studies from a variety of free-choice learning facilities (museums, zoos, aquariums, botanical gardens, science centres, national parks, etc.) and companies related to natural and cultural heritage (eg. consulting companies, tour guiding companies). The aim of this group is to improve our knowledge as interpretive practitioners through workshops, presentations and social media contact. @VISSouthAfrica


The Western Cape Museum Educator (WCME) Group is a group of educators from the Western Cape, South Africa involved in experiential education programmes in museums, heritage sites, science centres, environmental sites and other non-traditional/informal learning environments. Since its founding in 2010, the Group meets regularly to network, share experiences, learn about new ideas and discuss issues related to our field. It is free to join and administered by volunteers from within the Group.


The Forum for School Museums and Archives is a non-profit organisation which was founded in 2010 to promote the formation of school museums and archives. It is aimed at individuals, whether professional, teachers, school staff or volunteers, who are responsible for the historical records of their schools. This is an area that requires specialist knowledge and the Forum attempts to educate those who care for museums and archives in schools by seeking practical expertise and to source suppliers of various archived products. Members are linked together by a network of correspondence and workshops, providing a platform for shared information and experiences. There are branches based in Gauteng, KwaZulu-Natal and the Western Cape and we have members from all over South Africa who join us for our FSMA conference and workshops.