Notice is hereby given that the 85th SAMA Annual General Meeting will be held online on Wednesday 8 September 2021 at 2pm. The AGM has been brought forward in order to be NPO compliant. It forms part of a webinar programme entitled ‘Future of Museums : Recover and Reimagine’ that has been organised by SAMA North from 7 to 8 September 2021.
As this is election year we call for nominations for a new Vice-President and attach a nomination form which should be submitted to this office by 15 August 2021.
Please note that only paid-up members are eligible to vote, nominate Council members or stand for Council. A proxy form is attached for those members who cannot attend and should be submitted to the SAMA Office by 27 August 2021.
Resolutions for the AGM should also be submitted in writing to the SAMA Office by 27 August 2021.
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